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Your Power is All In Your Mind


Throughout your life, you have a certain mindset. It is difficult to change your mindset after having it for so long. How do you change it, take back control, reclaim happiness, and start living a fulfilling life again?

First, you need to diagnose the problem and figure out exactly what is wrong with your mind, to begin with, and how you can fix it. This is a fairly common problem and if you are reading this you probably are not happy with where you are or don’t like yourself right now.

There are a few things that need to change before you can get your mindset changed. First off, you need to take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others. Quit making excuses for your rejection of your control.

 If you believe that nothing is your fault then you won’t take be able to take credit for any of the good in your life. If you don’t ever take responsibility for your actions then you believe you have no control over your life and you can’t change things.

That is absolutely wrong! By not taking responsibility people have trouble committing to relationships, stop trying to achieve greater things, and you will receive what you believe. You will make much less of an impression by being afraid of taking responsibility and you won’t commit to making decisions so that you won’t be responsible for what happens to you.

Many times this behavior begins during childhood and we continue to stay in the child mentality throughout our adult lives. However, if you continue to have this belief nothing good will ever come to you. It’s time to grow up and accept responsibility for our actions regardless of the outcome. Accept that there are times it will be your fault when things go wrong and you will begin to get stronger and take more chances and more bold decisions.

Next, we need to stop caring about what others think. Their approval is not required or necessary. It comes down to fear and doing away with it. Worrying about what people think of us can be quite exhausting and we can lose ourselves in that fear.

We lose out on a lot of wonderful opportunities because of it making us look unusual. Many of us don’t want others to stare, well stop that feeling now! When we care too much about others’ thoughts of us we tend to give responsibility to others instead of taking it ourselves.

Instead of worrying about losing respect from those around us by not taking action and responsibility, we lose respect. We appear weak to those around us when we worry about what others think.

When we worry about what other people think we tend to lose out on life and become quite limited on the quality of our lives. Another change to make is knowing the difference between whether people are happy and stop caring what they think. Happiness is truly an inside job and you won’t make anyone happy.

You can do kind things for people without telling anyone without living up to the expectations you believe other people have put on you. You will be able to take more responsibility and have less stress. This belief is a hard one to change, but it can be done. Stop holding yourself to the standards that others see for you and start holding yourself to only your standards. Judge yourself and no one else.

We are quite impulsive and reactive as a society. Modern technology and convenience have made it too easy to live this way. Attention spans have minimized because of the ease of finding the answer immediately. We can find food, entertainment, and anything else at our fingertips.

The noise of this is everywhere causing us to all become reactive. Unfortunately, this has created addictive behaviors. One of the best ways to combat this behavior is meditation. Meditation teaches us to take conscious control of our minds and be more in the moment without distractions. This helps us become more a more disciplined person and the focused will help us do away with procrastination and impulsivity. 

We have become lazy and tired because of unhappiness. Most of us know what we should be doing but we choose not to do it because we lack the effort. We always take the easiest route.

We believe that things are great, in the short term, because it means we get to do something as simple as eating a bag of chips while watching our favorite trashy TV show. In the long term, we lack the initiative to grow and become stagnant. 

If we are not moving forward we are going backward. If we don’t use our brains they physically shrink. In this process, we unlearn how to apply effort. It is not always that we are lazy, but tired due to stress.

We all lead such busy lives that we leave no energy to do anything else. To change our mindset we need to invest in more self-energy. We may need to lighten the load somewhere else but in the long run, it will make us much happier.

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