Home FOOD & EATING What The Heck Is Raw Table Salt and Why Should I Be...

What The Heck Is Raw Table Salt and Why Should I Be Concerned?


It was once thought that table salt could be related to cancer because it acts as both an irritant and is a general neurotoxin. This all comes from the ability of salt to irritate your skin and degrade your cells, so you wouldn’t want them in your food either. But nowadays we know better! Any ills attributed with salt are actually due to processed foods which often contain high levels of sodium or chemicals synthesized for anti-caking purposes.

So yes, raw table salt may very well cause cancer if taken regularly – not because of its property as salty but because of what’s been done with it afterwards! So please spend some time reading labels thoroughly before selecting anything with sodium or sugar listed as one of the first few ingredients.

Since salt is a mineral, the benefits of consuming it are far superior to those concerning calcium and iron which can both be found in abundance with a little research. But as always with the natural world, why bother taking something from one place when you can get it from another? Or better yet – why take it at all? We are not deficient in sodium or any other mineral, but our food is. And that’s where the problem lies.

If you eat properly then your body will get all of what it needs from each meal, with nothing to spare. A healthy system knows how much calcium/sodium/iron/potassium to store and excrete exactly when it’s needed. It may seem wasteful, but that’s the way nature intended it because everything has a purpose in this symbiotic world of ours. And if you look at our history – at our ancestors, you will find that they never had cancer!

They never had cancer before the 20th century because their food was natural.

raw salt

Why? Because they didn’t eat “healthy”! They ate whatever was available to them, but only to the point of fullness. They ate seeds, nuts, avocados, raw honey and gray-green leafy vegetables… But they didn’t eat grains or legumes because these hadn’t been invented yet.

So our grandparents were not “healthy” either – unless you think being close to nature is healthy! Not that they were sickly or anything, they were just fine until very recently. And that’s because of what they ate – nothing too healthy but nothing too bad either. They never had cancer before the 20th century because their food was natural.

Today people are only “healthy” by default… But what happens when you eat not to fullness? Because you’re already “healthy” and know that over-eating is not such a good thing? Because there’s no real reason to stop eating, except that it will make you look bad if you do.

People think that eating more vegetables is healthy

Well then, why don’t we try to become healthier or at least take better care of this body we’ve been gifted with… That’s why people are trying to eat healthier nowadays. They are looking for ways to incorporate more greens into their food, thus hopefully adding more nutrients. People think that eating more vegetables is healthy – it certainly sounds better than eating processed foods! And yet the veggies found in supermarkets are nothing like those eaten by our ancestors or even by animals on nature reserves. These veggies are full of anti-nutrients, whether it be the high levels of calcium found in raw broccoli or the lectins present in almost everything else.

Table salt vs raw table salt magic inside secret revealed

So raw salt may cause cancer is because it’s raw and also contains the same minerals normally removed with heat when raw foods are prepared for human consumption. Sure raw honey can rot your teeth, raw milk can make you ill and raw meat is full of parasites… But raw salt is not really a raw food! It’s simply the unprocessed powder we’ve been dumping in our meals for thousands of years without knowing it.

After all, what do people think salt actually is? As far as I know, it’s dirty gray rock, the same as raw sugar or raw honey. I’m not saying that raw salt is bad, but it’s definitely not a raw food! Even if eating raw vegetables seems healthy at first sight – they will actually make you fat and dependent on anti-nutrients because these won’t be removed through processing by your stomach acids.

Table salt is not the same as raw, unrefined sea salt.

This is important to understand.For example, raw salt is not white like the kind found at the grocery store. It actually contains thousands of natural minerals that are good for you. These brands offer raw unrefined salt which has numerous benefits including enhanced flavor and nutritional content . Table salt on the other hand does not contain these minerals and is typically stripped of its natural goodness.

To prove this point, try rubbing raw salt between your fingers and then table salt. You’ll see that raw salt has a course texture and feels flaky, while the other is smooth and free flowing.

Typically speaking, raw sea salts are harvested from evaporated seawater or salty inland seas ..They are harvested by hand and contain about 95 different minerals, including iron, zinc, iodine and copper. Other sea salts may also be mixed with raw salt before it is sold.

When raw sea salt is harvested, the sun evaporates the water from the ocean leaving behind only unrefined salt crystals. This process of harvesting raw sea salt has been going on for thousands of years and is very similar to the way raw unrefined raw raw raw raw raw raw raw raw raw raw salt was harvested in ancient times.

Raw sea salts are not heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit during processing which preserves all the beneficial minerals naturally contained within the crystals. This allows us to reap many health benefits when we eat raw unrefined sea salt.

The health benefits of table salt are minimal and often times worse than those of raw, unrefined sea salt

Table salt on the other hand, which is typically mined from underground salt deposits and only has one nutritional value: sodium chloride. It is then purified, bleached, and processed at extremely high temperatures of 1500 degrees Fahrenheit or more.. This process not only strips it of all its minerals but also any color pigmentation.

Another reason raw sea salt is healthier is because of how refined table salt can have additives that are not good for your body. Manufacturers often add chemicals to table salt to make it pour more easily, prevent clumping, and improve flavor .. Table salt sometimes contains anti-caking agent chlorides or iodine . Although iodine has some health benefits, the other chemicals have been linked to negative side effects.

Raw unrefined sea salt is a healthy alternative that allows you to reap many benefits . It may not be the least expensive option, but it ensures you are getting something natural and packed with minerals your body needs. And best of all, raw unrefined salt tastes much better than the refined stuff. So what are you waiting for? The next time you’re shopping, grab a box of raw unrefined salt to experiment with. You won’t regret it!

Raw, unrefined sea salts have a lower sodium content which makes it easier for people with heart conditions or who need to watch their sodium intake.

Recently, raw sea salt made headlines when the FDA issued a warning to consumers against using raw salts which can contain deadly bacteria . Subsequently, raw salt products were pulled off shelves at major retailers like GNC and Walmart.

1. Table salt has no nutritional value aside from sodium chloride while raw salt contains many minerals including iron, zinc, iodine and copper.

2. Table salt is often processed above 115 degrees Fahrenheit which kills all the nutrients raw unrefined sea sal contains and has been shown to be dangerous when consumed.

3. Raw unrefined salt is not only nutritionally superior but also tastes better than table salt and can even add a bit of flavor to your food.

4. Most raw salts contain less sodium than table salt and is deemed safe for those medically advised to reduce their sodium intake such as people with high blood pressure or conditions like kidney disease or heart failure.

5. When raw sea salt is harvested, the raw sun evaporates the water from the ocean leaving behind only unrefined salt crystals containing numerous nutrients.

6. Raw salts are usually more expensive than table salt but contain less sodium and higher nutritional value making it a healthier alternative for those watching their salt intake.

Is there a chemical difference between table salt and sea salt?

Yes. Table salt is usually sodium chloride with chemicals added to make it pour more easily, prevent clumping, and improve flavor. On the other hand, raw unrefined sea salt is natural and contains minimal amounts of sodium chloride.

what is kosher salt

The term ‘kosher salt’ is actually a trademarked name. However, it has become so popular that many people refer to any large grained unprocessed salt as kosher salt. The raw salt we sell at SaltWorks is not the same product as the raw flake kosher salts made by various companies. In raw salt form, kosher salt is a ground up raw rock salt that has been purified and is free of most all impurities. This raw salt has a very large crystal size great for curing meats or making stock. The term ‘koshering’ comes from the Jewish slaughtering process called ‘kashering.’ Farmers would salt raw meat to remove the blood so it would be kosher.

why raw salt should be of concern

There are three major issues with raw salt that all should take into consideration:

(1) lack of iodine, (2) presence of heavy metals and (3) other chemical contaminants. Most commercial table salt is iodized by law to prevent the iodine deficiency disease known as ‘goiters’ or ‘myxedema’. According to Dr. David Brownstein, those who use excess amounts of raw salt and do not supplement with iodine (or other forms like kelp) may actually worsen an existing thyroid condition.

This is because raw salt has a negative effect on the thyroid gland .

1In raw salt form, raw rock salts may also have high concentrations of chemicals such as heavy metals which can be hazardous to your health

2. It is important to note that raw salt is not always associated with a poor thyroid condition or exposure to heavy metal – the most common reason for these issues are an over consumption of raw salt. There are many raw salts on the market, so do your research before making a purchase to determine if raw salt is right for you.

what is rock salt used for?

This salt is used for a variety of purposes including:

1. Ice Melt – lowers the freezing point of water and speeds up the melting process to prevent hazardous road conditions and icy sidewalks.

2. Water Softening – salt can be used to soften hard water or add calcium and magnesium back into softened water .

3. Water Purification – salt’s large crystal size can be used to filter and purify water for use in pools, hydroponics systems and aquariums.

4. Curing Meats – raw unrefined sea salt is essential to curing meats as raw salts have a higher moisture content which makes raw meat more tender and raw fish more moist.

5. Cookware – raw unrefined sea salts can be used to tenderize raw meat and remove the metallic taste from raw fish prior to cooking by sprinkling raw salt on each side of raw meat or raw fish and allowing it to sit for 10 minutes before cooking.

6. Cooking – salt is an essential in raw cooking to preserve raw meat, raw seafood and raw vegetables.

7. Flavoring – raw can be used to season raw dishes with a natural salty flavor.

8. Bath Soak – raw salts are often added to baths for their therapeutic value . It is recommended that you only do this in a bathtub as raw salt may damage a shower or counter top.

9. Weed Control – raw rock salts can be used to kill weeds by placing raw salt over the roots of a plant and allowing it to sit for several days until the weed dies.

10. Gardening – raw salt is a good source of magnesium, which can aid in raw plant growth and raw root development .

11. Composting – raw rock salts are a great source of magnesium which is a raw material used for composting to create a rich raw soil.

12. Cleaning – raw salt can be used as a raw abrasive cleaner by sprinkling raw salt over tough stains and scrubbing raw salt into the surface with a raw brush or raw scouring pad.

13. Deodorant – raw natural sea salts can be used as deodorants and bath salts .

14. Drying Herbs: raw salt is often combined with herbs to help draw volatile oils from plants. A combination of raw salt and raw herbs is often placed into raw muslin bags which are then hung in raw dark places for 10 days or longer.

15. Making Soap – raw salt can be used to harden raw soap during the raw soap-making process .

16. Flavoring Alcohol – raw rock salts can be added to raw alcohols to increase their flavor and raw alcohol content.

17. Making Kombucha – raw salt is used in raw kombucha to lower the pH and create an acidic environment which prevents pathogenic bacteria from contaminating raw kombucha and increases the tartness of raw kombucha .

18. Brewing Beer – raw salt can be used to remove excess water from raw wheat and raw barley which increases the raw protein content in raw beer .

19. Making Raw Ice Cream – raw salt can be used as a flavor enhancer to raw ice cream mixes by adding small amounts of raw salt into raw ice cream mix as it is being blended together.

20. Food Preservation : some cultures use raw raw salt to preserve raw vegetables and raw fruit.

21. Carving – raw unrefined raw salt can be used as a raw sculpting tool by carving raw designs into raw soap, raw wax or raw clay .

22. Insect Repellent – raw rock salts are an effective raw insect repellent when steeped in raw apple cider vinegar and used as a raw body wash .

23. Moth Repellent – raw salt can be used to repel raw moths by sprinkling raw salt onto raw woolen clothes or raw fabric . 24. Garden Fertilizer – raw unrefined sea salts are rich in magnesium which is often used as raw fertilizers for raw plants.

Is table salt as good as sea salt?

No. Much of the raw salt consumed today is raw table salt which was heat-treated to remove minerals and give it a lighter texture so that it flows through raw commercial processing equipment more easily. Many raw commercial salts are also treated with raw anti-caking agents such as raw aluminum silicate or magnesium carbonate to help them flow through raw processing equipment.

These raw anti-caking agents often make raw table salt difficult to dissolve in raw water and can also damage a raw digestive system . Raw sea salts do not use raw anti-caking agents because they are typically coarser, heavier salts that do not flow as easily through raw commercial processing equipment.

What exactly is raw sea salt?

Raw sea salt is raw salt harvested from raw seawater. The raw water for raw sea salt is taken from open raw ocean basins where it evaporates under the sun and leaves behind large amounts of raw mineral deposits of raw unrefined sea salts . In some areas, this raw water is evaporated using heat until only raw raw sea salt crystals remain.

This raw raw sea salt is then taken and purified by removing other non-salt materials such as raw plant and animal life and foreign objects (rocks, wood, plant material) which may be found in raw seawater .

How much salt is too much? raw

Too much raw dietary raw salt may cause raw high blood pressure, raw stroke and raw heart disease. A raw minimum of 1/4 teaspoon daily is recommended for most people (but this varies depending on age, gender and health conditions).

The American Heart Association suggests raw lowering salt intake to no more than 1,500 milligrams raw sodium a day. This is the equivalent of about 3/4 teaspoon raw salt or 1/2 teaspoon raw sodium chloride.

What raw food is low in sodium?

Many raw fruits and vegetables are low in raw sodium when they are consumed raw and freshly picked . Examples raw fruits and raw vegetables raw low in sodium raw include raw apples, raw avocados, raw bananas, raw grapefruit, raw oranges, raw salad greens (like raw lettuce or raw spinach), raw mushrooms , raw bell peppers and raw tomatoes.

Does table salt have impurities?

Yes. Raw salt that you purchase in raw grocery stores is raw table salt and it has impurities such as raw anti-caking agents to make it easier to handle during raw processing .

what is flake salt used for?

Raw salt is still raw sea salt – the kind of salt that your great grandmother would have used back in the day. It’s natural and raw, like she used to make it before there were processing plants. Flake raw salt is raw sea salt as it comes right out of the ground (the only difference is we traditionally mined rock salt; now it’s harvested from the sea via salt ponds). Flake raw salt is not raw in this context – you wouldn’t eat raw table salt. It is, however, 100% raw and natural sea salt with nothing added to it.

Is iodized salt better for you?

Absolutely. Keep in mind the best salt to use is raw Celtic sea salt , which has many health benefits.

Dr. David Brownstein, a well-known holistic medical doctor and author of six books on thyroid disease, agrees that raw sea salts can prevent fluoride damage, as it does not allow the fluoride into your bloodstream (through osmosis).

However, raw sea salt from the ocean contains natural iodine. Processed table salt does not have any natural occurring iodine and only has artificial (synthetic) iodide to make up for it. The small amount of iodide in table salt is not enough to protect you against fluoride damage. So while raw sea salts prevent fluoride damage, the raw sea salts with iodine will not prevent fluoride damage.

Another problem with iodized salt is that you get excessive amounts of sodium in relation to the amount of potassium you need. Have you heard of the “French Paradox”? This phrase was coined by Dr. Stephen Sinatra (cardiologist), after he read about it in a book by Dr. Raymond De Vries, entitled “The Fourfold Path to Healing”. The French Paradox is the observation that despite the high fat intake in France, there are lower rates of heart disease than would be expected.

Dr. De Vries attributes this to their mineral-rich foods and drinks, which include raw milk cheese (rich in K2), raw cheese (rich in K1) and red wine, which contains reservatol. He also suggests that raw seafood such as raw oysters, wild salmon and herring contain not only minerals but essential fatty acids that protect against heart disease.

How does the body handle excess sodium?

Sodium is an essential electrolyte required by the body to maintain fluid balance and blood pressure. When there is excess sodium, as is found in table salt, water will be drawn from other parts of the body to dilute the amount of sodium.

Therefore this causes increased blood pressure especially within your arteries and veins. As a result your risk for cardiovascular disease is also increased. Excess sodium can also lead to fluid retention, which places extra strain on your heart and other bodily organs.

If you are concerned about your cardiovascular health or would like to avoid the excess water weight that raw salt causes, it may be best not to use raw table salt in your raw food diet. For more information on raw food and a raw diet, please refer to the following post:

why do we sprinkle salt on ice?

The main reason salt is sprinkled on ice is to melt the ice. Salt lowers the melting point of water which causes it to be below 32 degrees Fahrenheit before turning into a liquid, so it melts any ice in its path.

what are mineral salt food?

Table salt in its raw form is not actually raw which means the salt very often is contaminated with pathogenic bacteria. Table salt when purchased at a grocery store is typically the rock mined from the earth. It has been refined to remove most if not all of it’s mineral content, this leaves us with sodium chloride which is about 97% pure. So when purchasing raw salt or sea salt in its raw form, you are typically getting only sodium chloride.

Most people do not know that table salt has been refined to remove all of the nutritive minerals in it. This leaves us with nothing more than a processed chemical product which is over blended with iodine and anti caking agents. The iodine does not contribute to salt having health benefits so it is best to avoid iodized table salt at all costs.

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