Home NEWS The Best Audio Books in health and fitness

The Best Audio Books in health and fitness


Here is a list of some of the most highly rated health and fitness audiobooks. Learn about nutrition, exercise, sleep, fasting, Ketogenic Diet, chakra system, and so much more!

Audiobooks are sometimes hard to find and can be expensive, but you should know that you can get 3 free audio books by signing up for trial periods with Audible and Audiobooks.com.

Mini Habits for Weight Loss

Tired of dieting and suffering? If your answer is yes, stop dieting and start forming new habits. Change your lifestyle without any pain or struggle.
Stephen Guise offers a healthy alternative to traditional diets by providing a method of weight loss that is in tune with the way your brain naturally makes adjustments to your lifestyle

Author: Stephen Guise   Length: 10 hrs 15 mins   Released: 01/03/2017   Reviews
Get this audiobook free at: Amazon.com

Ayurvedic Wellness

The Art and Science of Vibrant Health

Dr. Kshirsagar teaches how to practice Ayuryeda, including breathing, meditation, diet, and exercise. Ayurveda is a healing system designed to promote mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Author: Suhas Kshirsagar Length: 6 hrs 22 mins Released: 01/09/2014 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at: Amazon.com

Good Calories, Bad Calories

Get the facts on fats and carbs, from the science of diet and health.
Gary Taubes’ research shows that all calories are not created equal. He carefully examines the different foods we eat, and which ones support a balanced nutrition and positive health outcomes.
Author: Gary Taubes   Length: 25 hrs 41 mins   Released: 28/07/2011   Reviews

Get this audiobook free at: Amazon.com

Deep Nutrition.

Traditional food may seem old-fashioned, but they’re healthy in more ways than one.

Catherine Shanahan MD shares the latest discoveries in epigenetics. She explains how these discoveries can help us understand and improve our health. Epigenetics is the study of how genes are turned on or off in response to the environment. Dr. Shanahan discusses how the environment can affect our genes and lead to disease.
Author: Catherine Shanahan MD Length: 19 hrs 42 mins Released: 03/01/2017 Reviews

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T Is for Transformation

If you want to improve your effectiveness and increase your engagement, then this book is for you. Armed with seven superpowers, you can achieve more in less time. The end result: a richer, healthier, and more meaningful life.

Shaun T is an internationally-known fitness and motivational personality. He has helped millions of people take control of their health with his Hip Hop Abs and Insanity workout series.

Author: Shaun T Length: 7 hrs 51 mins Released: 07/11/2017 Reviews

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Why We Get Fat

And What to Do About It
This book outlines new findings about the science behind dieting and weight loss, including research on why some people are thin while others are fat. Author Gary Taubes also provides an easy-to-follow diet plan for those hoping for a healthier lifestyle.

Author: Gary Taubes Length: 7 hrs 58 mins Released: 28/12/2010 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at: Amazon

Sleep Smarter

21 Strategies to Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success
Among the many benefits of good sleep is weight-loss, better immune system function, and improved brain function. The Sleep Smarter book includes guidelines on how to create the perfect bedroom environment, advice on how to use sunlight to regain control over your circadian rhythms, and tips for managing stress and staying fit.

Author: Shawn Stevenson Length: 6 hrs 36 mins Released: 16/08/2016 Reviews

Get this audiobook free at: Amazon

It Starts with Food

Discover the surprising benefits of a Whole30 diet, and take charge of your life

Discover the surprising benefits of a Whole30 diet, and take charge of your life
It Starts With Food is a 30-day program that helps dieters change their lifestyle and improve many areas of health, including mood, sleep, energy, and self-esteem. We’ve been helping people for 9 years, and have helped tens of thousands of individuals improve each aspect of their lives.

Author: Melissa Hartwig Length: 8 hrs 57 mins Released: 14/11/2014 Reviews

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The Oxygen Advantage

The Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques for a Healthier, Slimmer and Faster.

You have the power to change your life with just one simple decision. You can take control of how you feel about yourself and what’s happening in this world by making changes that are good for both mind AND body! Do something positive today, like breathing techniques
The Simple Scientist has spent years researching health topics from all angles – looking at studies done on oxygen levels or its importance when dealing with fat burning tissue secretions…I know first hand these things work because my own family was able-bodied before they even went through medical problems due too genetic disposition which left us vulnerable during any illness event (colds etc). We used tricks our grand.

Instead of feeling like your environment is out to get you, learn the science-backed strategy that will change everything. With Patrick McKeown, you’ll finally feel empowered and ready to win at life.

Author: Patrick McKeown Length: 9 hrs 1 min Released: 19/04/2016 Reviews
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Bigger Leaner Stronger

The Simple Science of Building the Perfect Body

If you want to add muscle mass in 8-12 weeks, then this is the plan for YOU! The exercises are carefully selected and include dietary guidelines that will help boost your metabolism.
It doesn’t get any easier than getting started with Michael Matthews’ prescription today so grab yourself some success without spending months waiting around at home on bench warmers because there’s no time like now when opportunity visits unexpectedly through an email inbox or social media feed…

Author: Michael Matthews Length: 11 hrs 11 mins Released: 14/03/2013 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at:amazon.com

Keto Clarity

A Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet: What It Is, Benefits and Potential Risks

Jimmy Moore, a well-known author and speaker on the topic of weight loss explains how he lost 50 pounds using this keto diet plan. Not only did it help him drop some baby fat but also improved his health in many ways such as boosts to mental clarity, decrease inflammation markers (which lead to pain reduction), increased energy levels among others things – all without sacrificing taste or flavour!

Author: Eric C. Westman MD Length: 9 hrs 47 mins Released: 17/09/2014 Reviews

Get this audiobook free at: Amazon.com

The Complete Guide to Fasting

Heal Your Body With Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting

Fasting has always been a popular approach to health and wellness, but it’s not just the observing of fasts which makes this practice so beneficial.
There are various methods that one can take when they embark on their own intermittent fasting journey for weight loss purposes – from prolonged meal skipping in hopes that your body will respond well enough alone without any added supplements or medications; allocating specific days where you restrict yourself only drink liquids such as water instead cups worth juice during breakfast time (and sometimes even green tea), having an early dinner before sitting down with family members who often overeat at night despite being tired after working throughout daylight hours).

Author: Dr. Jason Fung Length: 7 hrs 36 mins Released: 06/12/2016 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at:Amazon.com

Wired to Eat

Turn off cravings, rewire your appetite for weight loss, and find the foods that will help you reach your goals.

The Reset Plan by Robb Wolf is a 30-day plan to help you get your blood sugar under control, repair and restore appetite plus reverse insulin resistance. The 70 recipes in this book are delicious yet healthy so that people can still enjoy themselves while getting into shape!

Author: Robb Wolf Length: 9 hrs 5 mins Released: 28/03/2017 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at:Amazon.com


The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

John J Ratey is an author and scientist who has dedicated his life to researching the science behind exercise. He shares with us how this practice can have a profound effect on our brain, specifically in regards it as benefits for stress reduction or improved moods!

Author: John J. Ratey Length: 9 hrs 28 mins Released: 17/09/2008 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at:Amazon.com

The Obesity Code

Weight Loss – Unlocking the Secrets

insulin is the key to obesity, says Dr. Jason Fung in his book “The Weight Loss Cure That Never Needs A Drink”- but not if you know how your body works! He lays out an easy plan for people who are looking at controlling their insulin levels through healthy eating habits and exercise so they can lose weight without having any complications or side effects from medications like Prüvits

Fung knows what he’s talking about when it comes down these topics because this man has been there himself; learning all about diabetes while working hard on finding solutions so others don’t suffer as much – we’re glad someone cares enough.

Author: Dr. Jason Fung Length: 10 hrs 9 mins Released: 20/12/2016 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at:Amazon.com

Wheat Belly

Lose the weight and find your health

The obesity epidemic isn’t caused by fat, sugar or the sedentary lifestyle. It appears to be due in large part because of modern modified wheat which has an even greater impact on blood glucose levels than pure cane juice does as well being highly addictive itself!

Author: William Davis Length: 7 hrs 37 mins Released: 02/09/2011Reviews
Get this audiobook free at:Amazon.com

The Big Fat Surprise

Butter, meat, and cheese are often a part of a healthy diet, which means that they belong in the grocery cart.

Nina Teicholz has written an extensive research paper on the subject of fat and nutrition. She provides a well-researched argument for why we should be eating more saturated fats, which are found in food favorites like red meat or milk & eggs!

Author: Nina Teicholz Length: 13 hrs 25 mins Released: 13/05/2014 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at:Amazon.com

The Chakra System

A Complete Course in Self-Diagnosis and Healing

The Chakra System is a guide to using the seven chakras for improved relationships, more personal power and greater spiritual wisdom. Judy Anodea’s research shows that these practices are most effective when used together with psychology therapies like psychoeducation or talk therapy because they help heal both mind and body at once!

Author: Anodea Judith Length: 7 hrs 56 mins Released: 02/10/2015 Reviews
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Your Personal Paleo Code

The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life

The modern world has created a situation where our hunter-gatherer ancestors can no longer live. Chris Kresser, an expert on this topic and author of “Paleo recipes,” helps us tap into the benefits that come with going back to basics by adapting these diets for today’s needs

It is clear than ever before how much we rely upon technology in everyday life; but what happens when you’re gone are all your devices? You’ll find out soon enough if there really exists any humanity left inside me after eating these delicacies off my own flesh !

Author: Chris Kresser Length: 11 hrs 57 mins Released: 31/12/2013 Reviews
Get this audiobook free at:Amazon.com

Good Food, Bad Diet

The Habits You Need to Ditch Diet Culture, Lose Weight.

What’s the best way to live a healthy lifestyle without going hungry or exercise? This book will show you how! With its scientific advice and compassionate approach, Registered Dietitian Abby Langer provides solutions for those looking forward not only their weight loss but also improved moods.
In this fun-filled guide on eating right in today’s world of “clean” foods—vegetables aren’t boring at all–there are no rules about what has be done away with because AFmagic tricks us into thinking our bodies can’t handle anything other than simply raw ingredients.

Author: Abby Langer RD Reviews:
Get this audiobook free at: Amazon

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