Home FOOD & EATING Six Ways to Prevent food poisoning

Six Ways to Prevent food poisoning


If You Have Ever Had Food Poisoning You Will Want to Read Six Ways to Prevent It Throughout the United States, approximately 48 million people per year are affected by food poisoning. We should be working diligently to prevent, and avoid, it at all costs.

It can happen at any time, to anyone, anywhere so take time to learn about prevention to lessen the chances that you, or someone you love, will have to experience such a horrible event.First, be vigilant when washing your hands and surfaces before preparing food.

Wash your hands thoroughly with very warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before and after preparing food. In order to prevent contamination of anything make sure you wash all surfaces thoroughly before you prepare food and then again after you are finished.

It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to food poisoning, even if it takes a few extra minutes to wash something.When you cook in your own kitchen you are in control of who handles your food, and how it is handled. However, when eating out it’s a whole other story.

If you notice, regardless of restaurant or friend’s home, that the food isn’t being prepared with the proper habits, don’t be afraid to turn it down, even if you offend someone, to keep yourself safe.When cooking food at home be sure your food is cooked to the proper temperature and for the correct amount of time.

Once you are finished eating be sure to put away your leftovers immediately to ensure bacteria does not grow. If you take something from the fridge, or freezer, to cook be sure you put it back as soon as you are done. Don’t allow food to sit around in room temperature for too long.

When putting your food away be sure to keep any raw meat away from fresh produce. Also, when putting food into the freezer be sure the frozen food does not get placed by the ice cube trays as the ice cubes may become contaminated.

Be sure to use separate utensils for cooking the variety of foods. Cleaning a few extra utensils is important to the safety of the food. The best advice is to not take chances when it comes to food and preparation. Don’t be as concerned about being wasteful as you are about food safety.

Those choices can lead to consequences no one wants to think about, do they? If you can’t remember when you last ate certain leftovers, and if they are older than three days, get rid of them.

If the food smells bad, “best before” date has passed, or you just aren’t sure then throw it away. Never take a chance on the health of you, or your loved one.

It is better to lose a few dollars than end up in the hospital. Food poisoning is a common illness, but you don’t have to fall victim to it. Just simply learn around food safety and prevention and you are on your way to a happy, healthy life!

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