Home WELLNESS Potential Benefits of Sleeping with Onions on Your Feet

Potential Benefits of Sleeping with Onions on Your Feet


Have you ever thought about how people in the past cure different diseases, illnesses, and infections? What were the approaches and which medicines were used?

In those times, when allopathic medicines were not common, people used to rely on natural remedies for treatment and to improve their overall health. In recent years, those old-age remedies, once again have attracted the people who are conscious about the side effects of allopathic medicines and are looking for their replacement. Many people have not only turned to organic products but are also finding natural remedies to treat illness.

In the current situation when cold, flu, and cough have become a serious concern, different natural remedies are circulating everywhere. Some people got positive results from them while some consider them misleading as they are not scientifically proven.

They work or may not work that is another debate but there is no harm in seeking natural remedies at least for one time. One such natural remedy that is getting a lot of attention among people is, sleeping with onions on feet to treat cold or cough.

What an Onion can do?

Onions are the most common and easily available vegetable across the globe. We all have seen them in our kitchens, but did you know that onions are used in making traditional homemade remedies for centuries.

Although, the idea of sleeping with onion beneath your feet may seem odd some people believe that it is a very effective remedy to treat an infection like cold, flu, and cough.

Whenever you experience symptoms of cold, cough, and flu, consult a doctor for proper medication and have your complete checkup. Along with a doctor’s prescription, there are few things you can do for a speedy recovery. The first thing you could do is to maintain a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.

Another remedy to release mucus and clear your airways is, “steam”. It will soothe you and make you feel better. Along with that, try to maintain certain humidity levels in your home because the dry air can cause extra mucus to get thicken and it will irritate your sinuses.

In order to keep humidity in balance, Onions can be used as a natural humidifier. All you have to do is to cut an onion in small pieces and place it in close proximity to you. It can help to keep the air humid, acting as an expectorant, and helping to relieve symptoms.

According to Dr. Manuel Viso, onion is also a proven bactericide, and can even help to release mucus. So, if you can stand their smell, you could try placing a plate of chopped onion in your bedroom.

Why Should You Put Onions On Your Feet?

One of the most popular and thought to be hundred years old home remedy is to cure infections by using onions. This remedy suggests that, if you have symptoms of cold and flu, just place slices of freshly chopped onion beneath your feet at night.

It sounds weird to sleep with onions on your feet, but some people find it beneficial. This remedy is based on the Chinese practice of “Reflexology”.

According to the concept of reflexology, there are points beneath your feet that have a direct linkage to all the internal organs of your body. In Chinese medical terminology; these points are called “meridian points”. It is believed that these points contain significant electrical properties and stimulating them may help to alleviate distress in various body parts.

One of the best techniques to stimulate these meridians is to place onion slices on the soles of your feet. In this way the bacterial properties of the onion will come into contact with these meridian points, providing relief. Therefore, it make sense that to treat cold and flu, one can make use of healing properties of onion but there is no scientific evidence to support it.

Some people have also reported that putting onion slices under feet help reduce certain forms of nuisance, such as pins and needles (caused by circulatory issues).

How to use onion before sleep?

In order to take full advantage of the healing properties of the onion, take a small onion of any kind (white, red, purple or pink) and cut it into slices. Before going to bed, place these slices under your feet and put on your socks.

Remember to place them on the arches of each foot as it is said that the meridian points associated with the nasal activity are located there. As soon as you awake, take the onion slices out of your socks and throw them.


As far as sleeping with onions in your socks is concerned, it will not hurt you but chances are that it won’t help you, either as there is no scientific evidence to support it. If you’re looking for relief from cough and congestion, follow the advice of your doctor, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In our opinion in order to get full advantages from onions try to eat them in raw form and make them a part of your diet. The healing properties of onions will help your body to recover and will boost your immune system.

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