Home WELLNESS If You Want to Look and Feel Younger Try This Diet

If You Want to Look and Feel Younger Try This Diet


If you are trying to look and feel younger you need to seek nutrients. Avoid all foods like chips, crackers, cake, chocolate, pasta, and rice. When you eat the above-mentioned food your blood sugar spikes which can increase your risk of diabetes.

The foods above don’t necessarily offer anything but fast calories. So why eat them in the first place? Seek foods such as fruits, vegetables, salads, meats, berries, fish, nuts, and any other good thing you would find in nature.

Find foods that are packed with collagen-like bone broth and really avoid sweets. You can find diets that will help keep you on the right track such as Mediterranean Diet, Paleo Diet, and Slow Carb Diet.

Whichever diet you choose don’t wait until you start to see the signs of aging. If you start it right away you can prevent it! One of the most important questions to ask yourself is should you eat a little or a lot.

There is one thought that eating very little is best. The thought restricts calories and claims that it will reduce the rate of aging. Eating less makes your mitochondria work less and produces fewer free radicals.

The body must then rely on ketones which become energy efficient. A downside to this thought is malnutrition because it is more difficult to get everything your body needs while eating fewer calories.

As we age our skin thins and we start to look more drawn. We also need to take care of our skin in the anti-aging battle. Our treatment of our bodies will reflect in the appearance of our skin. If we soak up the sun we will look healthy in the short term but can lead to damaged skin cells that create more wrinkles and age spots when we are older.

Another way to continue to look younger is to get plenty of sleep. Sleep allows our body to repair any damage done throughout the day and can also rejuvenate the skin. Our body releases HGH, which is a growth hormone that helps repair, rebuild, and replace.

We can use various anti-aging creams and other products to help protect our skin from damaging factors. These also provide nutrients and antioxidants while hydrating our skin. When using such products be sure to follow the routine of exfoliating first and then moisturizing.

Be sure to apply a product that contains Vitamins A and E which will repair your skin and collagen along with keeping it elastic. You can get products like Bio Oil, but just make sure you look for things like biotin, retinol, green tea extract, CoQ10, etc. Always make educated decisions before buying anything.

Other options include hemorrhoid cream which will help tighten the skin around the eyes and deep-sea mud masks which put in extra moisture. Whatever you use, be sure to apply using circles. There are many other ways to help keep yourself looking younger, but might I suggest trying one of the diets listed above for the ultimate results.

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