Home WELLNESS If You are Stressed Out Please Check Out Lifestyle Habits to Relieve...

If You are Stressed Out Please Check Out Lifestyle Habits to Relieve Stress


Various factors go into raising stress levels through the roof such as smoking, drinking too much, not enough sleep, overdosing on caffeine, and hanging around toxic people. The best thing is to replace harmful habits with those that will help you.

An example of switching out one habit for another is those who drink too much alcohol may decide to lift weights to replace the need for drinking.

Here are four different habits you can adopt in place of the harmful ones.

The first is exercise. Regular exercise is one of the best habits you can form when improving mental health and controlling stress levels. Any exercise such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, yoga, or playing a team sport will boost physical fitness, improve your strength, and increase your self-esteem and confidence, and will improve stress and anxiety.

When you exercise you release endorphins, the feel-good chemicals, in the brain to help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. The next habit is meditation. Meditation is great to combat stress, anxiety, and just calm yourself. When you meditate you find the positive energy inside yourself and begin to feel more connected and at peace with yourself and the world around you causing less stress.

Those who practice this on a regular basis find they are not overwhelmed as easily, calmer, more relaxed, and able to take on more in their life. Regardless if you are spiritual, or not, meditation can help with stress relief. Even taking time to sit quietly and reflect for a while will reduce stress.

Meditation requires deep breathing which will bring more oxygen to the brain and give you more energy to combat stress. You can meditate at home, in a class, or just about anywhere. You can also use essential oils and quiet music during meditation. Another positive habit to use is being creative.

Creativity helps you deal with stress and the best part is you don’t have to be artistic in order to do this successfully. Being creative in various forms, whichever you prefer, greatly helps in stress relief. Baking, writing, drawing, painting, needlepoint, DIY building, or even coloring in adult coloring books works great in relieving stress.

Your focus is drawn away from the stressors and on the activity, you are performing at that moment. Many studies have shown that coloring is a huge success in combating stress. Maybe it is time to take up a new creative hobby.Finally, the last positive habit is socializing with friends and family.

Those who are loners tend to have higher stress levels than those who spend time with others. Just know that it is perfectly ok to ask for support when you are stressed out. Build and maintain strong relationships with others so that you can have someone to talk to when the going gets tough.

When you talk to someone about what is going on and confide in them you get an outsider’s perspective on the situation and they can help put your own thoughts into a different light. Spending time with those we are closest to allows us to relax and have fun which in turn combats and relieves stress.

The content on hlwellness.org is for informational and entertainment purposes only, but should not be considered medical advice. The information in this site does not replace professional care or diagnosis from your personal healthcare provider- always consult them first! Nonetheless, it can help lead you to more resources that will provide the best treatment options available out there today.

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