Warts are a common skin condition that affect many people. They can be found on the fingers, hands, feet, knees and elbows. Warts are typically caused by viruses or bacteria and they typically go away on their own over time. However, there are some treatments you can do at home to get rid of them more quickly. Here is a list of 7 simple ways how to get rid of warts naturally that will help you!
Well, itchy and unsightly warts can be a real downer. But don’t worry too much – they are quite common among children with one in five kids getting them.
Warts usually appear as raised patches of skin on the hands or feet caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection- depending where you get them, there may be several kinds:
plantar wart is flat like an elephant’s foot; mosaic wart has round areas that look different than other parts while common warts have well defined edges around irregular growths…
Stop scratching that wart! Warts don’t always itch, but when they do it can be really painful. You may get a wart on your foot and think you’re safe from passing them around because of the location until one day you find an itchy patch somewhere else in your body like your elbow or knee where the virus has now spread.
This could happen if while trying to scratch another part of my body I used my hands which were contaminated with warts as well and then touched myself without washing first. If this sounds possible for you too, stop by Urgent Care Clinic so we can treat any problems before things go totally out-of-control again?
Table of Contents
Wart treatments last only about six weeks at most; otherwise allow two months.

In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of warts by conventional treatments as well as newer methods like Gardasil.
You might be wondering what is the best way to remove a wart from your skin and there are many options available for you! It seems that people have been using creams containing salicylic or lactic acid for years now, but recently they’ve also started trying immune system stimulators such as imiquimod which can help heal faster than other medications.
Cryotherapy has become more popular because it provides instant relief- all you need do is freeze off the wart with liquid nitrogen until it falls right off without having any pain whatsoever! If these don’t work then laser therapy may provide some assistance in getting.
You can’t get rid of warts without trying. If you think it is time to fight, then go see your doctor about getting some help. There are many different treatments that could work for you or be a good starting point in the meantime.
Wart removal isn’t always needed! About 65% of all cases will naturally heal on their own after 2 years and there’s no need to rush into treatment if they don’t bother you too much
Everyone is always looking for ways to get rid of warts, and there are many things you can do at home. For example, if a cream doesn’t work then cryotherapy might be an option – but it could also cause scarring or bleeding. There’s no need to go that far though because some common remedies may help too!
Whether your wart has developed into an infection with pain or not the best thing you should try first is a remedy like apple cider vinegar (or just ACV) which works by drying out skin around the area since most people think more about how painful it hurts than their health when they have this problem.Other ideas include using toothpaste on top of acetaminophen gel as well as applying baking soda mixed.
7 Simple Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Warts Naturally
1. The Duct Tape Method
Apply a piece of duct tape over the wart, and leave it there for six days. Then, remove the tape while soaking warts in water. Use a pumice stone to slough off the rough skin for several minutes. Apply new tape on top of the cleaned wart that evening before going to bed (and repeat every day)..
A study found duct tape to be more effective in treating warts than cryotherapy. That being said, we don’t truly understand how the duct tape method works as of yet, some hypothesize that it stimulates the immune system with local irritation.
2. Cypress And Lemon Essential Oils
To treat warts, some essential oils with photosensitive properties containing antiviral compounds can be applied. To do this, use a drop of cypress oil and lemon oil twice daily on the wart, since lemon is photosensitive and will darken with exposure to sunlight.
3. Bee Glue/Propolis
Originally created by bees, bee glue is a sealant used in the construction of hives. Bee glue offers protection against infections and has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Large studies have found that it stimulates the thymus gland to increase immunity.
Propolis has been shown to be very effective in getting rid of warts. It’s ability to work on internal as well as external warts make it a great alternative or addition to traditional treatments.
4. Changeri Leaves
According to Ayurveda, wart treatment should involve applying a paste derived from changeri leaves. This is considered more effective for flat warts
5. Epsom Salts And Apple Cider Vinegar
This solution of Epsom salt and apple cider vinegar is able to soothe the affected area, as well as heal it. It has also been shown to fight viruses, fungi, and bacteria, which can be important for people with warts.
6. Pure Castor Oil
Brush castor oil over the infected areas a number of times per day to stop the virus from reproducing.
7. Banana Peel
a report published in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal found that taping a piece of banana peel to the wart with the inside of the peel in contact with it can speed up healing.At least you’ll have something to snack on!
Why am I suddenly getting warts?
Warts are the result of an infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV), which leads to too much keratin developing in skin cells.
How do you dissolve warts naturally?
Though it is generally used for cooking, apple cider vinegar can be applied to warts as a natural treatment.
- Using a one-to-two ratio, combine apple cider vinegar with plain water.
- Soak a cotton ball in vinegar.
- Apply a cotton ball to the wart.
- The cotton ball is an essential component of this treatment, and it should be kept in position all night (or as long as possible)..
Are warts a sign of weak immune system?
Skin may be the most common location for a wart to develop. A serious illness or having unprotected sexual intercourse can cause lowered immunity which in turn increases likelihood of developing warts.
Will Super Glue kill a wart?
Duct tape has been shown to be an effective method of removing warts, but super glue is a patented alternative that appears to have the same effectiveness and can remove parts of the wart with application..
How do you stop warts from spreading?
If you’re scared your warts will spread, don’t scratch or pick at them. Keep them as dry as possible and try to avoid contact with them while shaving.
To minimize contagion:
1 One of the best ways to get rid of a wart is to keep your hands clean.
2 Cuts and injuries must be disinfected at all times to avoid infection.
3 Keep your hands off other people’s warts
Can stress cause warts?
Yes, stress can weaken the immune system. Hormones released by high levels of stress can build up over a long period of time and then weaken the body’s resistance to viruses that cause warts.
How can you tell if a wart is dying?
The wart might swell, or seem to throb- this is normal. The skin around the old lesion might turn black in the first 1 to 2 days- this is a sign that these cells are dying and being replaced by new ones. In some cases it may take about 3 weeks for your body’s immune system to completely cut off blood flow.
What foods make warts worse?
One way to rid your body of warts is by providing it with good food. Steer clear of sugary, processed foods, and avoid caffeine and alcohol that have been found to feed the virus that causes warts.
Are warts unhealthy?
Warts are harmless most of the time, but if they make you uncomfortable or spread to other areas; it is important to treat them. Treatment options include over-the-counter solutions such as Aldara and Duct Tape Strips.
How do I strengthen my immune system to fight warts?
Boost your immunity
- Make sure to eat a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
2 Regular exercise is important to maintain a healthy heart.
3 Take enough rest each evening to promote immunity and recovery.