Home HEALTH TOPICS How to Control Your State of Mind Using Your Mindset and Emotions

How to Control Your State of Mind Using Your Mindset and Emotions


If you find yourself controlling your emotions completely at any given time you are doing better than most of us. Having this ability would allow you to do anything! People underestimate the power and influence of their own emotions. Think about having unlimited strength, perfect focus, creativity, and social skills of unending potential. You possess all of those…let me show you. 

Extreme strength has been proven to appear when a person is under extreme stress and emotional turmoil. An example of it would be Norse warriors that would go into a fit of rage upon going into the battlefield. Another example is when someone is trapped under something and another person can lift it off to save them.

I know it sounds like a myth but there is scientific proof to back up those stories. During extreme stress our bodies produce chemicals such as testosterone, adrenaline, and cortisol which increase your heart rate, focus, awareness, and strength of muscles.

We have huge reserves in our muscle banks to allow us to do these extreme feats of strength because of the emotional response to such stimuli. By simply harnessing our emotions such as yelling at the gym while working out can increase adrenaline and enhance our strength.   

Another example of how emotions control our mindset is when calming down and focusing. When we reach our “flow state” which is described as a state of blissful focus and calm. The world seems to slow because of our focus on a particular thing.

An example is opening a cupboard and seeing everything fall out of it slowly and you move super fast to catch it. This happens in extreme sports where athletes find their flow and can pull off incredible feats. It is also seen in music especially when the entire band synchronizes while playing.

Having a conversation that lasts for hours is also considered a flow state. Writing a book and losing track of time is an author’s flow state. These moments are more productive than others. Flow is actually another emotion. The hormones released are the same as the stressful situation, only a subtle variation.

This works the same as the fight mode in fight or flight response where you feel it is just as important as fighting during the stressful situation, only fun. At this point you have the entire attention of your body and mind that releases hormones that excite, and calm you, simultaneously.

We don’t worry, second guess, or overthink in that moment. We just do without fear, or doubt. We do our best work during these times. Many try to live in the flow as often as possible..some would call it the Vortex and you become unstoppable.

Emotions affect creativity and allows you to become completely at ease with letting your mind wander. Many people give this moment a hard time because it is the opposite of living in the moment.

This state was when Einstein came up with his theory of relativity. This is often known as daydreaming and that allows us to plan, and come up with ideas. No emotion is bad. We just have to tap into the correct one at the moment and have control.

The final emotion is over social skills. In order to be confident, you must stop worrying about what others think. If you want to lead, take command and not second guess yourself.

If you want to make friends, be charismatic and entertaining. In order to hone these skills you must gain control over your emotions. We can take control over our emotions by keeping your body and mind in check and make sure things are all working together. Once you recognize your emotions, figure out what might be causing them and deal with it.

Breathing correctly helps with our emotional control. Remind yourself why you do what you do and why you behave the way you behave. This will help you in gaining control over your emotions and you will become unstoppable.

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