Home WELLNESS Five Ways to Quickly Ease Your Cold Sores

Five Ways to Quickly Ease Your Cold Sores


Cold sores are defined as small ulcers located in the lips, mouth, or gums. Although they’re not risky, they’re transmittable and cause feelings of unease. But you can have quick reliefs from cold sores through these fives ways.

Cold sores are a result of a familiar contagion called herpes simplex virus, which can have an easy expansion. As a matter of fact, The American Sexual Health Association revealed that more than half of the American adults are carrying the virus. Knowing this, we’d like to inform you of five ways to quickly ease your cold sores.

This virus leads to the appearance of vesicles on your lips, mouth, and gums. It also is the reason behind the light burning sensation, itching around the lips, and tingling.

The contagion is usually moderate and brief, but in some cases, it can reoccur and affect your other body parts: Find out how to battle against cold sores below.

Remedies that will help you quickly ease your cold sores.
An absolute cure to get rid of the herpes simplex virus hasn’t been found yet. After the first infection, the contagion stays inactive among the face’s nerve cells. However, it can later reactivate and create sores and ulcers. But you still can find helpful remedies that can relieve you from the outburst. Pay attention to the following.

Applying a warm compress
The warm compresses won’t get rid of the flare-up but can reduce symptoms like discomfort and itching.
Applying warm compresses will rapidly relieve you from a cold sore. Although this isn’t a direct battle against the virus, a variety of studies indicate that applied heat can decrease pain and the swelling of the sores.

You need to:
Make your sock half full with rice.
Microwave the sock for a minute
Avoid burning yourself by check the heat of the sock
Gently rub the affected area using the warm compress
You can repeat these steps two times a day until you get rid of the cold sore.


You can swiftly have your relief from cold sores through making a cornstarch paste. The elements it contains can dry up your injuries and decrease itchiness. Even better, the mix will simplify your healing process and give you smooth skin.

You need to:
Mix a bit of water to some cornstarch
Apply the mix to the cold sore
Rinse it after 15 minutes
You can repeat these steps two times a day.

Get your relief through raw garlic
Garlic’s antimicrobial effect might help you find speedy relief from cold sores.
You can battle against the infections resulted from the herpes simplex virus through this traditional remedy. Based on a few studies, the antiviral properties can fight diverse types of the virus.

You need to:
Start with smashing a clove of raw garlic
Then add a spoon of olive oil to it
And put this mix cold sore twice or thrice a day.

  • Licorice root
    You can find glycyrrhizin acid in licorice root. Glycyrrhizin contains elements that prevent the development of herpes and its activity on the contaminated cells. That’s why it’s highly recommended to make an extract using this plan to eliminate cold sores.

You need to:
Add the licorice root to a cup of boiling water
Let it simmer on low for five to ten minutes
Soak a piece of cotton in the liquid and apply it to your cold sore
You can repeat these steps two times a day.

  • Aloe Vera gel
    In addition to its repairing effect, the Aloe Vera gel can help decrease the existence of vesicles.
    Not only is it great for your skin, but also a perfect way to quickly relieve yourself from cold sores. Aloe Vera gel is known for its strong antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Moreover, this product has the ability to prevent the activity of several infectious agents.
    Besides, externally applying Aloe Vera encourages the renewing of your skin, and decreases the appearance of marks when the sores disappear.

You need to:
Take some gel from an Aloe Vera stem
Apply a little to the affected part
Don’t rinse it and let it act
You can repeat these steps this twice to thrice a day

The last recommendations to handle cold sores
We already mentioned that cold sores are strongly transmittable. Therefore, you can support your treatment through these steps:

Change your belongings that you have used when you were infected.
Consume zinc and Vitamin C supplements.
Protect your skin from the changes in temperature and the sun through using hypoallergenic lip balm

Try not to share your personal items with others at the time of flare-ups
Avoid popping or draining blisters by yourself. Remember that they take time to heal

When you’re suffering from the herpes simplex virus, you can be swiftly relieved from your cold sore through the suggested remedies. But if you don’t notice an improvement in a matter of days then you need to consult a doctor. Your doctor can give you a prescription of medicine that will fasten your healing.

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