Home NEWS Pregnancy Exercise And Workout During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Exercise And Workout During Pregnancy


Exercising during your pregnancy stages is safe and healthy. Being pregnant should not limit you from being able to exercise. When you exercise during your pregnancy, you make a lot of improvements to your body and ease a lot of discomforts that present themselves during the pregnancy stage.

Physical activity gives you many benefits during and after your pregnancy.
When you are pregnant, there are exercises that you can do. You can do Pilates, yoga, running, jogging, weight lifting and also partake in swimming. Cycling can also be a great exercise for you to do when you are pregnant. As time goes on and your belly gets bigger, it will be hard for you to stay on the bike. You can still cycle, but on a stationary bike.

Pilates has few benefits that can help you during pregnancy. This exercise helps to improve your strength, balance, flexibility and your posture. Incorporating Pilates into your pregnancy exercise routine will help with carrying the baby weight of your growing baby and help with the delivery.

Many pregnant women go through stress easily. The goal of exercising is to help you relieve any stress you may be feeling. By relieving the stress, it reduces the chances of having complications during the pregnancy that may harm your growing baby.

Pregnant women tend to get tired and it becomes more apparent as they go through their pregnancies. Exercising will give you energy to go on with the day prevent any fatigue that may occur. When you exercise during your pregnancy, stamina is build. That stamina will help you keep going when you are in labour and delivery.

Exercising during your pregnancy can not only help you, the mother but can also be beneficial to your baby. There are times in some pregnancies, the baby will become breach when the in those instances the baby has to be facing head down. Doing some exercises will help the rotation of the baby and place the baby into the correct position in time for birth.

You don’t need to exercise in a gym when your pregnant. There plenty of exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home during the pregnancy period. There are DVDs on pregnancy workouts that you can watch if you are not sure how to begin working out at home.

If exercising is not something you are interested in during your pregnancy, then you can look for some activities to do around your house. You can try some light gardening to keep you moving or put some energy into the house work. If there are stairs at work, you can take a few flights of them each time you are at work. If you use modes of transport, you can walk early to the bus or train station just to get a light exercise.

In the pregnancy and birth process, your pelvic floor muscles become awakened. The muscles are in your pelvis area and go from the pubic bone at the front to the base of your spine at the back.

These muscles protect your bowels, bladder and womb. These organs are protected when you sneeze, lift heavy objects and push the baby out in the second stage of labour. Exercise your pelvic floor muscles during your pregnancy because when you exercise them, this exercise decreases the risk of pea leaking out accidentally.

If you are still not sure about exercising alone, you can always find exercising classes to participate in with other women or join pregnancy group classes where you can be able to bond with other expecting mothers.

Just because you are pregnant, it should not hinder you from exercising anyway you want. Even if you were exercising before pregnancy, you should continue to do so during your pregnancy stage. One of the other benefits of exercising when you pregnant, is that after you have given birth, you will be able to get back into shape after giving birth.

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