Home FOOD & EATING Can Eating Chipotle Make You Gassy?

Can Eating Chipotle Make You Gassy?


Gassy Noises from the Digestion Department

Chipotle is a popular Mexican-themed restaurant that offers tasty and flavorful food served quickly and conveniently. Because people enjoy the products so much, they tend to eat it frequently, and this may lead to some level of discomfort,specifically in your digestive department.

People who eat Chipotle often, especially if they are eating there several times per week or more, can be subject to some pretty unpleasant side effects that may cause them to feel bloated and uncomfortable.

The good news is that these side effects are not due to any weird or sinister ingredients. The bad news is that you may just have to put up with the effect while you eat Chipotle, because there isn’t anything that can be done about it.

is chipotle real mexican food?

Yes, Chipotle is real Mexican food. The first ever Chipotle opened in 1993 in Denver, Colorado.

Chipotle Mexican Grill is a company that was founded in 1993 and has since expanded rapidly. In 2015, there were more than 1,800 locations around the world, which have been frequented by over 47 million customers . The company specializes in burritos and tacos, which are filled with a wide variety of ingredients including guacamole, pinto beans, meat options such as chicken or steak, rice, salsa and cheese.

Why does eating Chipotle make you gassy?

The side effects that come from eating Chipotle (and any other spicy or flavorful food) are more of a temporary annoyance than anything else. There is no specific ingredient in the food that can be pinpointed as the cause of discomfort, so there isn’t much to do about it but wait for it to pass.

Discomfort from eating Chipotle comes as a result of the spices and other flavoring that causes your digestive system to work overtime for a bit. This process can cause some noise and bubbling in your gut, leading to slight rumbling and gurgling noises from your tummy area.

This is often nothing to be too concerned about and will fade soon after your meal is over. If you have a sensitive digestive system, it can be a bit more uncomfortable and last for a few hours after you eat the food.

You may want to consider limiting the amount of times per week that you eat Chipotle, as well as the amount of food you put in your burrito, if this is a regular issue for you.

What to do about it?

There isn’t much that can be done about the side effects from Chipotle’s spiciness, other than waiting it out. The discomfort will go away and won’t be hurting your body in any way. However, if you find yourself feeling like you need to go to the bathroom soon after your meal (specifically within the hour) and cannot hold it for another minute, then consider eating something bland that won’t upset your stomach at home before going out . In addition, if you have other concerns about what kinds of foods you should eat to stay healthy, consider talking to a doctor. Your family physician has likely heard of Chipotle and can give you information about whether or not its effects are normal for your body type.

How to prevent gas from happening after eating at Chipotle?

Certainly, this is a question that many people often ask themselves after they eat at jalapeno for the first time. The flatus happens because jalapeno has beans and there are other foods in general that cause flatus to happen. But if you know how to prevent it from happening, then why not? There are some tips on how to prevent yourself from  experiencing this after eating at jalapeno.

By following just some of these simple tips, it will help prevent you from feeling uncomfortable and gassy.

1. Make sure that you are not consuming chips or any other kind of food that causes flatus when you consume jalapeno.

2. Drink plenty of water before and after your meal because water will help flush out the flatus that is already in your stomach when you consume jalapeno.

3. Don’t consume too much when you are consuming jalapeno because if you do, then you will be taking in too much to digest which could cause discomfort and flatus.

4. You can even ask to replace beans with something else like rice or even ask for no beans at all.

5. Don’t consume jalapeno everyday and on the same day as well because if you do, then you will run out of options, and by consuming it everyday, your body might get used to it and not react as much as it should be when you consume jalapeno again.

6. Also, try not to drink carbonated drinks or soda when you are consuming jalapeno because it causes flatus as well.

7. Consider the time of day that you decide to consume at jalapeno if late at night, most likely your body will already be tired and resting which means that there is a chance for flatus to happen because another person’s food in their body has already been broken down and is in the process of getting released.

8. If you love jalapeno, then consider consuming it every other day instead of everyday because you will still be able to enjoy it without worrying about any discomfort after your meal.

9. Consuming jalapeno frequently can contribute to way more than just Fart

10. You should also consider taking Gas-X because it helps with the discomfort that comes after consuming at jalapeno when you are experiencing flatus in your stomach.

11. If it does happen, then remember to stay calm and try not to stress yourself out by thinking that something is wrong because sometimes this can cause more problems if you already have flatus.

12. Last but not least, if you are experiencing unbearable flatus pains after consuming jalapeno, then forget all of the tips above and head straight to the nearest restroom because this could be an emergency situation if it is happening too fast for you to handle.

What causes flatus?

There are many ways to find out what causes flatus to happen to your body, but finding out what causes fart in general will give you an idea of why jalapeno makes you gassy.

1. Beans are the main reason that many people get gassy because they contain lactic acid which is difficult for the stomach to break down and use as energy.

2. When it does not get broken down, it gets absorbed by the body instead which causes flatus to happen. Beans also contain sugars that are difficult for your stomach to break apart.

3. Carbonated drinks like soda water and other carbonated drinks release CO2 into your blood stream if you drink too much of it too quickly. This then makes your muscles relax which makes the fart happen.

4. Bloating is when you consume food that contains sugar or fiber which creates fart inside of your body.

5. Burger King has also been known to make people gassy because the meat they use in their Whopper is hard for some people’s digestive system to break down, and this causes flatus to happen in the body.

6. Chocolate also causes flatus to happen because it has too much fat which will not break down inside of your body if the enzyme called cholecystokinin is missing from the digestive system. This enzyme helps with food digestion, but sometimes this enzyme can be destroyed by abdomen acid so if you do consume chocolate and feel gassy, then it could be because the enzyme was destroyed.

7. Coffee can also cause fart because of how acidic it is on top of already being difficult for digestion to process. If you are sensitive, then drinking coffee might make your abdomen hurt or give you more fart than usual so if this happens, then try not to drink too much of it.

8. Fish also causes flatus because it is difficult for the body to break apart, especially if you consume fish with bones in them or smelly fish. The smell that comes from the fish can also cause more fart and discomfort after consuming the food as well. Also, certain kinds of fish like mackerel and sardines can contain toxins that cause more flatus to happen after consuming the food.

9. Bread causes fart because of how difficult it is for digestion to break down all of the gluten it contains which is why bread has been known to cause discomfort, gassiness, and pain in some people’s stomachs after consuming bread.

10. Broccoli contains raffinose which is difficult for the body to break down and is known to cause fart when it does not get broken down fast enough.

11. Carbonated drinks like soda water or beer can release CO2 into the blood stream if you drink too much of it too quickly, making your muscles relax which causes flatus.

12. Milk contains lactose that is difficult for digestion to break down and use as energy which causes flatus.

13. Corn contains both sugar and fiber which are difficult for the abdomen to break apart, causing fart pain when it does happen.

14. Red meat causes more flatus than other kinds of meat because it takes your body longer time to digest red meat than processed meats like hot dogs.

15. Citrus fruits can cause flatus because they are difficult for digestion to break down, especially if you consume them with skins on.

16. Spicy foods also cause fart pain because the spices in the food are difficult for digestion to break apart and use as energy so instead, it gets absorbed by the body which causes flatus to happen.

17. Sugar causes flatus because it is difficult for digestion to process, especially if you consume too much sugar at once or do not drink enough water with the nourishment.

18. Tofu contains sugars that are difficult for your abdomen to break apart which causes flatus pain when it does happen inside of your body.

Is there a way to stop the flatus once it starts happening?

There is no way to stop or prevent flatus once it starts. You can, however, take over-the-counter medications such as simethicone if the excessive flatulence becomes particularly bothersome. The FDA warns consumers not to use antibiotics such as erythromycin and clarithromycin because they may cause changes in blood sugar levels, low blood pressure or difficulty breathing, which can be dangerous.

The FDA advises consumers to stop using the medication and seek immediate medical attention if they experience any of these side effects.

Does this happen with other foods as well?

Consuming jalapeno can cause gas, but not everyone experiences this after consuming it. There isn’t a particular nourishment that causes flatus for everyone who eats it.  

What should I do to avoid gassiness?

If you find yourself experiencing gas frequently after consuming jalapeno or other foods, consider taking over-the-counter digestive enzymes . These enzymes can help you digest your nourishment easier and decrease the amount of flatus produced in your intestines.

Take a look at our guide on How to Prevent Gassiness from consuming Foods for more information.

What should I do if I’m experiencing gas after eating Chipotle?

If you’re concerned about your gassiness, consult your doctor for advice on what to do next.

They might want to check for lactose intolerance or another digestive problem that can be relieved by taking enzymes.

Are there any other reasons I should avoid eating Chipotle?

Consuming too much of anything can cause gastrointestinal distress, which includes flatus and bloating . Consuming the same meal, or too many meals, can also lead to a buildup of flatus in the digestive tract.

Have you found any tricks that help to reduce gassiness?

There are a couple of tricks that jalapeno lovers swear by.One is to mix their burrito bowl with guacamole, which can help aid digestion . Another trick is to cut the burrito in half before consuming it. The smaller size means you’ll consume it more slowly, giving your body more time to digest your nourishment and produce less fart.

What are some other reasons I shouldn’t eat chipotle?

If you’re concerned about consuming too much jalapeno, be sure to check out How Much jalapeno is Too Much?

Also, if you’re looking for more information on digestive problems that happen with certain foods, or want help identifying your symptoms, visit our section on IBS Symptoms .

Might this have anything to do with the barbacoa or cilantro- Lime rice?

There aren’t any certain ingredients in jalapeno that cause fart. It’s more likely that you’re consuming too much of one thing (like meat) and not enough of other things (like vegetables). Our guide on How to Prevent Gassiness from consuming Foods can give you some great tips that can help you prevent fart from consuming jalapeno.

Can I consume Chipotle without having gas afterwards or should I avoid it all together?

You can definitely consume jalapeno without having to worry about gas. It’s more likely that you’re consuming too much of one thing (like meat) and not enough of other things (like vegetables). 

Our guide on How to Prevent Gassiness from consuming foods can give you some great tips that can help you prevent fart from consuming jalapeno. If you find yourself experiencing gas frequently after consuming jalapeno or other foods, consider taking over-the-counter digestive enzymes.

what is black and pinto beans?

Black beans are small, oval-shaped beans with a shiny exterior. They have a mild flavor and firm texture. Pinto beans are kidney-shaped legumes that range in color from light pink to mottled brownish-black. They’re mildly sweet in flavor and soft in texture. They’re very similar to kidney beans and can be used in a variety of recipes.

What is your digestive tract?

The stomach, intestine, and digestive system is the entire system of organs responsible for breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and expelling waste. This system includes your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small & large intestines, rectum & anus.

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are proteins that speed up reactions in your body. Digestive enzymes help to break down food, making it easier to digest.

Do enzymes help gas?

Enzymes help to break down sugars in your gut, which can reduce the release of the hydrogen and methane that cause gas.

What are some types of digestive enzyme supplements? 

There are three main types of supplements that contain enzymes: proenzymes, which require stomach acid in order to work, digestive enzymes, and plant-based enzymes.

Is brown rice good for the stomach?

Yes. This rice is a whole-grain nourishment that provides fiber and nutrients, including magnesium , selenium , thiamin , niacin , phosphorus, and manganese . Magnesium can decrease the risk of acid reflux. Some studies have even shown that increasing your intake of whole grains like brown rice may reduce your risk of stomach cancer.

What are fiber rich foods?

Fiber  foods are high in dietary fiber which can help reduce cholesterol and feed the good bacteria in your gut. Some of the best fiber-rich foods include fruits such as blackberries, oranges, raspberries, pears, and apples; vegetables like broccoli, carrots, celery, spinach, kale; legumes such as black beans, kidney beans, lentils; and whole grains like rice, oats, quinoa.

Why do sugar alcohols have a laxative effect?

Sugar alcohols can have a laxative effect because they aren’t completely absorbed in the small intestine and the remainder passes into the large intestine where bacteria feeds off of it.

What is the best food to eat before going to consume at chipotle?

The jalapeno menu has plenty of items that are great for your gut and won’t give you gas, but our guide on How to Prevent Gassiness from consuming foods gives some great tips that can help you prevent gas from consuming jalapeno. One example of an excellent pre-jalapeno snack is smooth peanut butter or almond butter, eaten with apples or bananas.

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