Happy Life Wellness
Green Tea for Hair:Preventing Hair Loss and Repair Damages
Green tea is a popular beverage in many countries, and it has been used for centuries to prevent diseases. It is also known to...
Do Ponytails Cause Hair Loss? Myths Debunked!
Do you wear your hair in a ponytail? Do you want to know if this is the cause of your hair loss? Well, we...
What Causes Trichotillomania?(hair-pulling disorder)
Trichotillomania is a disorder in which people compulsively pull their hair. This disorder can affect anyone, but it usually begins during the teenage years....
Is There Any Truth To Hair Growth Products?
Do hair growth products work? There is mixed evidence that you can grow your hair because of certain treatments. Some people swear by these...
How to Deal With Lupus Hair Loss
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that's caused by the body attacking itself. Hair loss is a common symptom of lupus and can happen in...
21 Shampoos That Prove to Be Effective in Hair Growth
How long do you want to wait for your hair to grow? Hair loss can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem. Hair growth is...