Home WELLNESS Apple Cider Vinegar for Migraines and Headaches

Apple Cider Vinegar for Migraines and Headaches


Apple cider vinegar is well recognized for its amazing therapeutic benefits. It may be used to drink or consumed medicinally to help relieve a variety of disorders, including severe headaches and migraines.

Apple cider vinegar is prepared by combining apple juice with yeast, but the addition of yeast makes the sugar into alcohol. During the fermentation process, microorganisms turn alcohol into acetic acid.

And that’s what gives a bitter taste and strong smell to vinegar. In apple cider vinegar, both the nutrients and acidity may potentially improve migraines.

There is no proven scientific evidence in the literature for the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar for headaches, however, many applaud it for its incredible natural cure which cannot be avoided.

Most studies refer to pure, distilled cider apple vinegar containing iron, calcium, and potassium. Any of these may help reduce headaches implicitly but further research is required.

You don’t have to consider any painkillers; the apple cider vinegar is the safest way to deal with headaches. This home treatment can help reduce headaches or at least potentially decrease its duration and harshness.

Potential benefits for headaches

Apple Cider Vinegar has many health benefits but its practice in blood sugar control is probably the most scientifically proven. For example, one study showed that apple cider vinegar can help to improve insulin levels in diabetes patients.

It will also help to reduce the headaches caused by digestive problems and inflammation. The substantial amount of potassium in apple cider vinegar may prevent migraines.

It’s believed that inhaling apple cider vinegar steam vapors can also deal with headaches related to the sinus.

You know how excruciating it can be if you struggle with migraines and headaches. Therefore, we’ve put together some of the finest homemade treatments.

Apple cider vinegar headache remedies

  1. Apple cider vinegar with honey

You need to consume apple cider vinegar to get some wonderful digestive benefits. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey in an 8-ounce glass of water and drink it regularly. There is empirical evidence that this will hopefully prevent and cure migraines.

  1. Apple cider vinegar on a cold compress

Dip a clean towel in chilled apple cider vinegar for a few minutes. Take this cloth and apply the compress to your forehead. A cold massage can help to soothe the discomfort. You should also apply migraine-fighting natural oils to the compress, such as peppermint oil or pain-fighting lavender.

  1. Breathe in apple cider vinegar vapor
    Inhaling in conjunction with steam and apple cider vinegar vapor can help overcome sinus infections and the headaches they can induce. Combine 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar in 2 cups of water. Stir the solution until it boils, and then inhale for around 3 minutes.

Risks and complications

The study found that apple cider vinegar could have some health benefits and can be considered safe. It has far fewer side effects than many of the drugs used to treat constant headaches or migraines. However, the intake of so much vinegar has raised concerns about its potential dangers and side effects.

Whether you have diabetes or prediabetes, you can speak to a doctor before using apple cider vinegar because it will greatly affect blood sugar. When you plan to use apple cider vinegar as a remedy, make sure you test your blood sugar more frequently so you know how it affects you.

Those with gastroparesis, or slow empty belly, should also be cautious when drinking huge quantities of apple cider vinegar since it is believed to help slow digestion. Gastroparesis can occur in both individuals fighting with or without diabetes.

Owing to its high acidity, consuming a lot of apple cider vinegar might damage your teeth, harm your throat, and disturb your stomach. Although several findings have been encouraging, there is still nothing to confirm that drinking apple cider vinegar allows you to lose weight.

If it is recommended to speak to the doctor to assess whether apple cider vinegar works for you or not.

Other headache treatments

There is a range of different medications that you can use to help overcome headaches or migraines. If you need a fast remedy to cure your headache, you might use over-the-counter drugs such as Tylenol or aspirin.

If you already have extreme or frequent headaches, your doctor can recommend preventative care.
They help you control headaches, avoiding all of them altogether. These medicines contain
propranolol or topiramate.

Alternative treatments such as yoga, heat treatment, and massage can be used in certain cases to minimize headache pain. If depression is believed to be directly responsible, the psychiatrist can
also, prescribe cognitive-behavioral treatment to practice additional stress control strategies.

Main Takeaway

The implications of apple cider vinegar are mild and modest and have little research to support them. Although favorable health effects on some other parts of the body can help to lessen or avoid the effects of headaches.

Any lifestyle enhancements that can help reduce headaches and migraines may involve:

Consume a lot of water and keep hydrated
Take adequate sleep on a regular schedule
Manage and lay off tension as much as possible
Practicing healthy posture
Give up smoking
Reducing alcohol intake

If you have regular headaches that escalate in intensity or duration, schedule an appointment to see the doctor. A few other medications, including both prescription and herbal medicines, may be recommended.

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