Home FOOD & EATING Amazing Benefits of Baking Soda Mixed with Honey

Amazing Benefits of Baking Soda Mixed with Honey


Baking Soda is not just a mere kitchen ingredient that is used to make desserts or for cleaning. It has some unique features as well. Baking Soda mixed with some other natural ingredients makes it super beneficial for our health, beauty, and hygiene. It has many antiseptic properties and is an excellent exfoliator. Baking soda is an economical product power-packed with anti-acid properties and is known to be a great alkalizing agent.

Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate. In its raw form, baking soda is known as Nahcolite which is a component of natural mineral Natron. Natron has large amounts of sodium bicarbonate which is being used by people for centuries. Egyptians used Natron as soap because of its cleansing properties.

What happens when baking soda is mixed with Honey?

The mixture of baking soda with honey may seem a strange combination but mixing both provide a lot of health and skin benefits. Honey is being used in many health care and beauty remedies, but few people know that mixing it with baking soda can solve many problems related to your health and skin.

Honey is generally used for skin injuries and burns. Evidence suggests that it aids in the healing of partial-thickness burns 4–5 days faster than other dressings or bandages, and some suggest that post-op infections treated with honey heal faster than any other antiseptic and gauze. Honey is also used as an antibiotic in traditional remedies and herbal medicines. Therefore, the healing properties are enhanced when baking soda and honey are used together.

Benefits of Baking Soda

In this article, we will present to you some of the benefits of baking soda that will convince you to keep this incredible ingredient in your kitchen cabinet. People give assertions about the healing properties of baking soda but they all are not scientifically proven.

Digestive Aid
Baking soda is great for digesting heavy foods quickly and relieving gastric troubles. It is also good in dealing with heartburn or acid reflux. The acid that comes out of the stomach is converted into sodium chloride that helps to alleviate the burning. However, numerous studies warn against taking it especially if you have heart problems or diabetes. Just take a pinch of baking soda and mix in water. Drink it after your meal if you feel heavy and bloated.

The combination of baking soda and honey is perfect for treating dermatological problems. The study from the University of Malaysia Kelantan found that honey has valuable antiseptic and has tremendous healing properties. Baking soda can help to eliminate and prevent pimples in addition to exfoliating skin and removing dead cells. Mix the baking soda (120 g) with the honey (250 g) in a bowl. Stir until the mixture thickens and is standardized. Cook in a double boiler, ideally for ten minutes. Stir occasionally. Take off the heat and store it.

Fighting Cystitis – To protect Kidneys
Baking soda can serve to protect the kidneys against bacteria. However, talk to your doctor before starting any kind of treatment, because there’s not a lot of information available about how much you can take before it becomes harmful. Consuming baking soda can also raise the sodium levels, which can be harmful.

Skin Health
Baking soda and Honey can be used to make scrubs and face masks which will help to remove dirt and unclog your pores. Use 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of organic honey. Mix well, and apply to your face. Leave the scrub for a couple of minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. To use it as a face mask, leave it on until the paste dries, then rinse off.

Mask for Acne
The application of honey and baking soda is one of the fastest ways to exfoliate the skin. Baking soda can help to clean out your pores while honey is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory which can reduce redness and will clean your skin. Make a paste by mixing the baking soda (2 tablespoons) with honey (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice. Spread the mixture all over your face, using circular motions, leave on for 10 minutes and remove the mask with warm water. Dry your face and apply a moisturizer to seal your pores. This treatment is also used as a remedy for acne or pimples, but keep in mind that some studies suggest it can be risky for your skin.

Cough and Cold
A quick and effective home remedy for flu coughs, and colds are to mix 1 teaspoon of honey, ½ teaspoon of baking powder, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a glass of hot water. Blend until the baking powder has completely softened, then consume it.

People make all kinds of claims about the remedial properties of baking soda. Some of them are tangible and some of them are not so much praiseworthy. Finally, it is important to know that people with heart or diabetes problems should avoid baking soda. We advise you to take it with caution and it is better to consult your doctor before trying any of these treatments.

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