Home WELLNESS 7 amazing ways to use Apple Cider Vinegar

7 amazing ways to use Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is everyday kitchen component but it can also improve your health and skin in many ways. It has been used for these purposes since ancient times.

There is evidence that it was used by Hippocrates, Father of Medicine 400 BC as a medicine for his patients. ACV is packed with different vitamins, minerals, and enzymes as well as acetic, citric and malic acids.

ACV is considered as a powerful tool in fighting viruses, germs and fungus. Other impressive benefits are: swelling, muscle pain and arthritis pain reduction, common cold treatment as well as assist with diabetes, reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels and aid in weight loss.
Along with all of those useful health benefits, you should add ACV in your daily beauty routine.

However, to achieve it’s best results, raw, unfiltered ACV is your best choice.
This version is rich in natural enzymes because it has the least amount of artificial chemicals.

Actual beauty effects of Apple Cider Vinegar are:
Pimples and acne improvement

Malic acid gives apple cider vinegar strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It keeps bacteria away from your face and balances skin’s PH levels which prevents the formation of pimples.

– Mix 1 part raw, unfiltered ACV and 2 parts filtered water in a bowl.
– Soak a cotton ball in this solution and apply it on the affected skin.
– Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
– Use this solution couple times a day for a few days.

Incredible skin toner

A face toner is a very important part of skincare. ACV is good at cleaning the pores which is especially useful in people with oily skin. With help of the alpha hydroxy acids, your blood cells are stimulated to rise up to your skin and aid the pore size reduction.

– Mix a cup each of ACV and distilled or filtered water.
– You may also add a few drops of an essential oil, such as lavender oil.
– Apply this solution on your skin using a cotton ball.
– Leave it on for a couple of minutes.
– Rinse well with cool water.
– You can use this solution once or twice a day.
– Shake well before each use.

If your skin isn’t as sensitive use one part ACV to two parts of water to make the skin toner. However, if your skin is on the sensitive side, use more water (1 part AVC to 4 parts water) and don’t use it everyday. To avoid any skin reactions, test this mixture on a small part of your skin before using it.

Get rid of persistent Dandruff

ACV’s alpha hydroxyl acid, also known as fruit acid helps to deeply clean the hair follicle from dead cells and various hair products. Fungal diseases that cause dandruff are usually more difficult to treat. The fact is that thanks to various preparations, bacteria that cause dandruff are not destroyed, but the scalp dries out and as a result, itchy scalp, dry hair, etc. In addition, apple cider vinegar has an antibacterial effect on the scalp and thus protects the hair and scalp from various types of bacterial and fungal infections.

– Mix 2 tablespoons each of ACV and water.
– Add 10 to 15 drops of tea tree oil.
– Apply this solution on your scalp and massage for 5 minutes.
– Leave it on for another 5 minutes.
– Rinse your hair with water, then shampoo as usual.

You can use this concoction 2 or 3 times a week until you see results.

Having trouble with foot odor?

Smelly feet are normal and a bit embarrassing problem people often have. ACV’s anti-microbial properties can help you out. If you try out this mixture regularly, germs and bacteria will forget about your feet!

Prepare a foot soak:

– Add 1 cup of ACV and 4 to 5 cups of warm water to a basin.
– Soak your feet in this solution for 10 to 15 minutes.
– Finally, wash your feet thoroughly with an antibacterial soap and water.
– Use this home treatment once daily for a few weeks.

Healthier and shiny hair

It has already been stated that you can use ACV for your hair. It may sound unbelievable, but the nutritious and useful ingredients of ACV can replace most of the hair products you have used so far. ACV stabilizes the pH of the scalp, which leads to the removal of excess sebum, faster hair growth and stronger and better quality hair.

Try out this hair rinse:

– Mix 1 cup of ACV with 2 cups water.
– After shampooing, pour this solution onto your hair.
– Massage it into your scalp and allow it to sit for 5 minutes before rinsing it out.
– Use this home treatment only once a week.

Remove yellow stains from your nails

We already spoke about malic and acetic acids and they can help with this problem too! Nail discoloration happens from using too much dark nail polish or when you smoke but it can also be a sign of infection or a poor diet. ACV nail soak will improve treatment of any nail infections and prevent any from occurring.

How to prepare a nail brightening mixture:

– Add 1 cup each of ACV and lukewarm water to a basin.
– Soak your stained fingernails in this solution for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse it off.
– Massage a small amount of olive oil into each nail bed.
– Use this treatment twice daily until your nails are no longer discolored.

Minimize visible celullite

Lastly, ACV is known to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Every year right before we slip in those summer dresses, we wonder how to lose the cellulite. Well, ACV is how. Due to the mentioned ACV’s property to cleanse your pores and tone your skin it can help with the body skin appearance too. It can also help detox your body and remove excess water in order to minimize visibility of cellulite.

Mix 1 part olive or coconut oil with 3 parts ACV.
– Apply it on the affected skin and massage gently for 15 minutes.
– Repeat twice daily.

You can also mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered ACV and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of water.

Drink this mixture twice a day regularly. This will help your body balance hormones and lead to weight loss.

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