Home HEALTH TOPICS 6 Proven Ways to Prevent Toenail Fungus

6 Proven Ways to Prevent Toenail Fungus


Adequate hygiene practices and suitable shoes are essential to prevent the spread of toenail fungus. In order to prevent fungus infection, shoes also need to be kept dry.

Onychomycosis is an extremely serious condition that targets the toenail. The presence of microscopic parasites in warm and moist environments stimulate toenail infections.

Fungal infection is often associated with poor hygiene and inappropriate footwear. The report suggests that nearly 10% of adults in Western countries below the age of 60 suffer from this category of fungal infection, however, the percentage increases to 20% in adults of age above 60.

Fungal diseases are contagious and transmitted from person to person through contact. Toenail fungus occurs more often than fingernail fungus because your toes are mostly covered by shoes providing the fungi a proper environment to grow.
Fungal infection might damage a toe and changes the color, shape, and texture of the nail.

The toenail may be entirely destroyed in the most serious situations. Sometimes an odor can also be experienced from the infected nail. That is why it is necessary to take effective measures to prevent its adverse effects

How to Prevent Toenail Fungus?
Following precautionary ways must be followed to lessen the risk of catching toenail fungus

Stay Clean and Keep Your Feet Dry
Clean hands and feet are necessary to avoid the growth of fungus in dark and damp places. Effective hygiene is somewhat necessary, better to be washed with soap or disinfectant with a neutral pH that avoids the discomfort of the feet.

You should always use antiseptic powder and change socks after physical activities and workouts. It also tends to prevent the proliferation of fungus between the toes. This fungus can cause bad odor and distress and is as disturbing as the toenail fungus. After washing or even after doing some physical exercise, it is essential to keep your hands and feet dry thoroughly.

Keep on short nails
Keeping nails short is the greatest way to prevent the advent of toenail fungus. Trim and clean your nails with no jagged edges. By doing so the fungi or germs won’t grow under your nails. Moreover, cut the corners of the nail leaving no irregular borders. This will avoid infuriating and painful malformed toenails.

Sanitize your pedicure and manicure tools and don’t share your nail clippers, socks, and other personal items. The toenail is transmissible and you can easily get infected by using contaminated gadgets and equipment. You can clean the area with alcohol if no choice is available.

Wear open shoes in Public Places
Walking barefoot is the easiest way to contract a toenail infection so always wear shoes especially when you are walking in warm, moist areas such as pool, beach, gym, or public showers. That’s why wearing open shoes like flip flops are considered to be preferable rather than walking barefoot.

Before swimming put your flip flops near the pool so you can wear them immediately when you get out of the pool. Before wearing the same shoe check whether it has dried completely or not. If not, then go for another pair of shoes. You may also have a separate pair of shoes for each place.

Put on comfortable shoes
The fungus grows more rapidly in areas where pressure is constant. It is necessary to wear a pair of lightweight shoes and prevent a toenail infection that allows ample space for the feet to breathe. At night let the pair of shoes you wore all day to dry out. In addition, if the shoes get wet, dry off to avoid infection before wearing them again.

Use talcum powder
Products like talcum powder contribute to keeping your feet dry. Talcum powder should be used in combination with a moisturizing lotion to avoid chafing or blisters. Moreover, from the hygiene perspective, it is recommended to use talcum powder when wearing open shoes. However, if you wear closed shoes, it is vital to apply it every day to prevent the bad odor.

Anti-fungal Lotions or Creams
Anti-fungal creams are a safe way of preventing fungi from growing in the feet. This may also cure some form of infection that has already initiated to develop. Consult your doctor for the precise recommendation. It’s better that you know which lotion is ideal for your problem.
The emergence of toenail fungus worries both men and women. It not only destroys the attractiveness of the toe or nails; it may also contribute to more severe complications if not dealt with this infection on time. The fungal infection may impose substantial damage in people with diabetes or diseases alike.

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